About Babaji

Himalaya Sant, Paramahamsa, Avatar Sri Vedananda Saraswathi Ji / Vedananda Babaji
“HE” is… Great Lover of people of Nature, & of Love itself…

Childhood :
Born in a middle-class family at Rajahmundry, located on the banks of river Godavari, in Andhra Pradesh, India, HE was christened with the name Gangadhara Suryanarayana Sarma by HIS parents, Sri Venkata Ramana Murthy and Smt. Subba Laxmi. HE had His school education in Cristian High School at Rajahmundry and went on to receive a Bachelor’s degree in Commerce and Journalism. Right from an early age, young ‘Sambudu’, as HE was lovingly called, developed a natural liking to things spiritual. HE was very attached to His Mother, Smt. Subba Laxmi. She was verily a Gurumaa, for, it was she who sowed the seeds of spirituality in HIS tender heart. HE was only twelve years old when HE had His first Guru attunement and was sixteen, when HE experienced Enlightenment on the banks of river Godavari. In HIS early teens, HE used to often visit the Ramakrishna Mutt, to render His services.

In due course, HE got acquainted with a number of Sadhus and Truth Seekers residing in the Mutt with whom HE developed a very close bondage. Constant interactions with them helped young Surya Narayana (now Ved Babaji) to gain valuable spiritual insight and guidance. It opened up a new realm of spiritual dimension in the young mind. Thus unknowingly, the divine seeds of HIS future were sown in HIM at that early age itself. Pujya Ved Babaji’s Mother as well as His Grand mother, were staunch devotees of Sri Shirdi Saibaba. So, as a natural phenomenon, devotion for SAI was imbibed into HIM from an early age itself. This had a great impact on HIM. HE used to remain in meditation for hours together chanting “HARI: AUM SAIRAM”. Visit to the nearby SAIBABA temple, had become a regular habit for HIM. He has multifarious creative talents . He is a Poet, writer, Music Composer, Lyric Write, Singer and muchmore from deep within…

For twenty-five years Pujya Ved Babaji has traversed across Himalayas and lived the life of renunciate Swami of the Datta tradition, from which HE received the name Vedananda Saraswathi Maharaj.

Datta Guruparampara spiritual tree :

  •  Adiguru Sankaracharya
  •  Jagatguru Sri Dattatreya
  •  Sripada Vallabha Digambar
  • Samarth Satguru Sri Shirdi Sainath
  • Sadhguru Parameshti Gurus..
  • Sri Sarveswarananda Saraswati
  • Sri Nityanand Saraswati
  • Sri Niranjanananda Saraswati
  • Sri Vittalanand Saraswati


The Divine Spiritual Legacy of Vedbabaji…

Diksha Guru              :   Sri Sri Sri Paramahansa Vittalananda Saraswathi Maharaj

Gyan Guru                 :  Sri Achalananda Saraswathi Maharaj

Mantra Guru             :  Sri Rajagopal Maharaj.

Saktipath Gurus       :  Sri Mrutyunjaya Puri Naga Baba (Himalayas),

                                       Sri Hara Hara Kiratagiri Naga Baba (Tibet).

By the grace of HIS SATGURU, Pujya Ved Babaji had an opportunity to render HIS services at the Lotus Feet of Datta Swarupa Sri Sri Sri Paramahansa Vittalananda Saraswathi Maharaj (Vittal Babaji) {Muttadhipati [Head of the Mutt], Srikshetra Sri Vallabhapuram, Kuravapuram, Andhra Pradesh (India)}, for more than twenty years. His sincerity and genuine quest endeared HIM further to Sri Vittal Babaji and within a short time, HE became Sri Vittal Babaji’s favourite disciple. Many a times Sri Vittal Babaji used to observe HIM deeply engrossed in HIS thoughts. He saw a genuine aspirant in Pujya Ved Babaji, who was driven by a sense of higher purpose in life, sincere and resolute in HIS commitment to satisfy His inner quest, ready to endure and go through any amount of struggles, trials and tribulations. Love was showered in abundance on this disciple by the Master. At an appropriate time, Sri Vittal Babaji invited Puya Ved Babaji into the Datta tradition and attuned HIM with DATTA DEEKSHA followed by Poorna Sanyasa Deeksha at Kasi as per His directions.

Once, Pujya Ved Babaji’s Shaktipath Guru, Nandu Babaji, suggested HIM to perform one yagna at Kasi, on the banks of Holy river GANGA, alongwith Guru Charitra Parayana. Pujya Ved Babaji sought the permission of HIS Dutta Diksha Guru, Sri Vittal Babaji, who blessed HIM to go ahead immediately, for, he was well aware of the new turn that was awaiting his loving disciple! Pujya Ved Babaji reached Kashi along with fifty devotees and successfully performed the Yagna.  It was at the end of the Yagna, and on the banks of the holy Ganges, that Swami Virajananda Saraswathi of Kashi, blessed Pujya Ved Babaji, with the Sanyas title “Vedananda Saraswathi”. It was a profound and life altering moment for Ved Babaji, as it marked the beginning of HIS new life. Undoubtedly, the instance paved the way for HIS new birth.

Right from His childhood, Pujya Ved Babaji, felt a very strong and yet, an inexplicable love and fascination for Mount Kailsh and Holy Manas Sarovar. Perhaps, a continuous, conscious tap from His deep inner core to realise and experience the real truth, was the strong base for his quest of Mount Kailash.

Amidst the pristine beauty of the gigantic snow peaked mountains, rattling streams, exhilarating waterfalls and dark woods, Pujya Ved Babaji experienced a soul vibrating solitude. When he reached the foothills of the sacred Mount Kailash for the first time, it was an experience of a home coming, like the joy experienced by a child when lovingly embraced and taken into the bosom by his mother. It appeared as if the majestic, magnificent and divine Mother Himalayas was joyously embracing Her Son with all Her love and celebrating the return of Her prodigal Son.

During HIS sojourn in the Himalayas, Pujya Ved Babaji came in close contact with many sages and saints, each of whom, in their own way guided and inspired HIM further. For HIM, they were all different forms of SADHGURU.

The Yatra by foot, was enormously challenging, testing and shaking the core of HIS very being. At one such frustrating moment at Nepalganj, Mrityunjayapuri Naga Baba called on HIM out of the blue. In their very first meeting itself, Naga Baba unveiled their bondage in previous births. He was aware of Ved Babaji’s penance in past births and HIS spiritual status. Naga Baba could read HIS mind and feel HIS longing for Mount Kailash. At the same time Naga Baba could also see the mind clouds of doubts gathering in HIS mind about completion of HIS mission. Most importantly, it paved the way for the entry of the Divine Master in HIS life.

Time had come for the Divine’s master plan to unfold. Pujya Ved Babaji had been to Hrishikesh to meet his Gyan Guru Sri Medhananduri Maharaj, who advised HIM to proceed to Mount Kailash immediately. There was hardly any time for planning but that didn’t deter HIM from commencing HIS yatra. For HIM, his Guru’s word was final and HE followed it. With HIS Gyan Guru’s blessings, Pujya Veda Babaji immediately set foot on HIS first Mount Kailash Yatra.

Nagababa led Ved Babaji to Haidakhan Baba’s ashram (Uttara Khand) located at about 35 km from Kathgodam. There in the ashram, to the utmost surprise of Ved Babaji. Naga Baba blessed HIM with SAINTHOOD DEEKSHA, which HE had never dreamt of. ‘My dear, this place belongs to your SADHGURU, Grand master. Visit this place regularly’ – saying this, he blessed Ved Babaji and continued further. “SRI SAIBABA and SRI MAHAVATAR BABAJI are one in two different forms. You will realize this truth in the near future. You are a Himalayan Master possessing the worthiness for the Status of “PARAMAHANSA” and your main objective is to spread the message of Himalayan Masters to the whole world”. With the initiation into Sainthood, he blessed Ved Babaji to proceed for Kailash yatra. By the grace of the Sadhguru and Naga Baba’s valuable guidance, Ved Babaji could complete HIS Mount Kailash and Manasarovar yatra by foot in 59 days and returned to Hyderabad. On completion of his Mount Kailash yatra, Ved Babaji expressed HIS gratitude to Sri MAHAVATAR BABAJI. In HIS meditation, Sri MAHAVATAR BABAJI asked Ved Babaji to undertake and complete Mount Kailash yatra two more times and also assured HIM that HE would attain the AMRUTHASIDDHI at the end of HIS third attempt. As instructed by Sri MAHAVATAR BABAJI, Ved Babaji embarked on his pilgrimage for the seond and third time. During HIS third pilgrimage to Mount Kailash by foot, as blessed and indicated by Sri MAHAVATAR BABAJI, Pujya Ved Babaji, experienced the AMRUTHASIDDHI directly from Sri MAHAVATAR BABAJI at Tharchen, an important base camp of Mount Kailash.

As mentioned earlier, Pujya Ved Babaji has been closely associated with Himalayas over the past twenty-five years. The magnificent, breath-taking beauty of Himalayas and also the cosmic energy pervading in that land of Gods and Yogis, profoundly influenced HIM. HE visited several places in Himalayas along with HIS disciples so as to enable them experience those divine cosmic vibrations too. HE completed KAILASH MANAS SAROVAR yatra ten times in consecutive years. In the Himalayas, HE stayed at different places including Badrinath, Kedarnath, Uttarakashi, Gangotri, Gomukh Tapovan, Adikailash. Mukthinath etc. for long periods. HE also travelled extensively through Nepal & Tibet. During HIS sojourn, HE got very closely acquainted with many Himalyan Masters such as Sambal Baba. Triling Theerth Swami, Simla Baba, Tatambari Baba, Swami Prakashnanda, Harihar Kiratgiri Naga Baba, Pilot Baba and so on.
Where HE went, the Masters recognized Pujya Vedbabaji to be a Master worthy of being called a Himalayan Saint, for they saw in HIM, someone, who can truly carry the message of the Himalayan Masters to the larger humanity.
Just recently in the month of December, 2012, Pujya Vedbabaji, was invited to speak about the “WISDOM OF HIMALAYAS” for the 1st World Parliament on Spirituality, held in Hyderabad, where more than 150 Spiritual Masters from all over the world had gathered. HE shared many important, interesting and enlightening facts about the Himalayan yogis. (HE basically being one), specifically more about SHRI MAHAVTAR BABAJI AND SHRI SHIRDI SAI BABA.HE confirmed the divine thought that both the forms are the source of one Energy only and spoke about the oneness of soul in the many living forms of humanity..! The rapturous and resounding applause HE received at the end of HIS discourse; was the evidence of the deep chords HIS message has struck inside every listener’s heart that day!!!


Sri Kailash Manas Sarovar Yatra

Pujya Ved Babaji performed Sri Kailash Manas Sarovar Yatra thirteen times out

of which 3 times He travelled by foot from India.

Sri Satopant Yatra

Pujya Babaji also performed Satopant Yatra two times d

uring which He had so

many divine darshans and wonderful experiences.

Narmada Parikrama

Pujya Vedananda Babaji travelled extensively all over India and visited

the piligrimages.

Welfare Of Society…

By the Divine grace, Pujya Ved Babaji started following the three-fold activity :

AKSHARAYAGNA (Spiritual movement through Literature) :

                              Since 20 years, HE has been publishing Telugu monthly magazine “OM SAIRAM”. Through this medium, Pujya Ved Babaji is able to interact and guide HIS devotees in every nook and corner of the country. The guidance is provided at different levels, in a way that best suits a particular devotee. HE therefore calls this activity, aptly, as AKSHARYAGNA, for, HE uses, HIS Akshara, the Letter, to kindle the spiritual fire within. HE wrote many books on life management and Satguru philosophy. HIS widely read book on Mount Kailash yathra by name “KAILASH -In quest of the Self” – was translated into 5 languages. The book, definitely, one of its kind, brings out hitherto unknown and mysterious aspects of the Himalayas. Deep awakening and truthful uplifting – are some of the words used by readers to describe their experience of reading the book.


  • Kalinadakana Sri Kailasa Manasa Sarovara Yatra(Telugu)
  • Avatar Babaji-Godavari to Ganga..Telugu
  • In the Quest of Mount Kailash (English)
  • AtmaJyothi(Telugu)
  • Sri Saisatcharitra..Swami Achalananda Saraswati (Telugu)
  • .Sishya (English)
  • Satguruvedam (Telugu)
  • Fakirdhara (English)
  • Premavatar
  • Saivedasarovaram (telugu)


AGNIKARYA (Fire rituals for Peace and Prosperity of the World) :

                              Pujya Ved Babaji has been organizing Fire rituals (Agnikarya) since long under the Pujya Rajgopal Maharaj.




 ANNADAN (Feeding the Poor) :

                              According to DATTA Cult, utmost importance is always given to the feeding of poor (ANNADANAM). Pujya Ved Babaji has been conducting Annadanam on a regular basis and many people from the poor string were fortunate enough to receive BABAJI’s blessings through HIS unconditional love feed.




                              In His meditation, Pujya Ved Babaji received inspiration from SRI MAHAVATAR BABAJI and SRI SHIRDI SAIBABA to build three temples at different places in the Himalayas and the SADHGURU’S word was obeyed and as a result the following temples have come into existence :

  • VEDASAI MANDIR, Andhra Nirvan Ashram, Hrishikesh
  • SRI MAHAVTAR AND SRI SAIBABAJI MANDIR, Vedananda Tapovan Ashram, Dwarahat, Uttarakhand Inside this unique temple, idols of SRI SHIRDI SAIBABA and SRI MAHAVATAR BABAJI have been installed.

Idols of SRI SHIRDI SAIBABA and BHAGAWAN SRI DATTATREYA were installed in the temple.



LOVE  –  pure and unconditional, forms the most important part in Pujya Babaji’s message to Humanity. Babaji’s saying is … “Live to Love and Love to Live”. He has been demonstrating this simple, yet profound principle through His own life by way of Satsangs and in the process, continues to inspire everyone to tread the same path of Love. HE has started Satsang Centres for this divine purpose at many places throughout the country. To spread HIS message of Love, HE has been travelling tirelessly across cities and so far, HE has performed more than 5000 Satsangs and SAPTAH YAGNAS. HE proclaimed: “ I’m willing to take any amount of pain, even if it means travelling from one end of the world to the other, for the transformation of the mankind”.

The guidance is provided at different levels, in a way that best suits a particular devotee. HE therefore calls this activity, aptly, as AKSHARYAGNA, for, HE uses, HIS Akshara, the Letter, to kindle the spiritual fire within. HE wrote many books on life management and Satguru philosophy. HIS widely read book on Mount Kailash yathra by name “KAILASH -In quest of the Self” – was translated into 5 languages. The book, definitely, one of its kind, brings out hitherto unknown and mysterious aspects of the Himalayas. Deep awakening and truthful uplifting – are some of the words used by readers to describe their experience of reading the book. The divine guidance and blessings of Vedbabaji to masses is that the “People all over should lead a happy, contented, peaceful life and also take care of their Karmas relevant to their past births, on par”.

The guidance is provided at different levels, in a way that best suits a particular devotee. HE therefore calls this activity, aptly, as AKSHARYAGNA, for, HE uses, HIS Akshara, the Letter, to kindle the spiritual fire within. HE wrote many books on life management and Satguru philosophy. HIS widely read book on Mount Kailash yathra by name “KAILASH -In quest of the Self” – was translated into 5 languages. The book, definitely, one of its kind, brings out hitherto unknown and mysterious aspects of the Himalayas. Deep awakening and truthful uplifting – are some of the words used by readers to describe their experience of reading the book. The divine guidance and blessings of Vedbabaji to masses is that the “People all over should lead a happy, contented, peaceful life and also take care of their Karmas relevant to their past births, on par”.

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